Academic Year 2024-2025


Applications should be sent to the Academy of Lyrical Arts with the following documentation:

  • enrollment application form signed
  • a list of the music chosen for the audition
  • a receipt of payment of the audition fee
  • a photocopy of passport or identity card
  • 4 passport sized photographs.
  • curriculum
  • a photocopy of singing degree or similar degree

For the Academic Year 2024-2025, the admissions will take place by sending 3 recorded video arias, indicating for each of them the title of the piece, the name of the authors and the registration date.

The recorded pieces must be by different composers, in the original language, and at least one of the pieces must be in Italian.


Applicants must demonstrate that they have adequate musical and vocal training. Diplomas, certificates or presentation by one or more private teachers must be sent in copies or included in the curriculum vitae with names, places and dates.

The candidates must have an adequate knowledge of the Italian language.

Eligibility and Admission

The judging commission will establish a ranking of suitable candidates, who will be admitted to the preparatory year or directly to the Academic Biennium.

Students who are not citizens of CEE-member countries are requested to present their passport with visa for study purposes. These students must go to the Questura, Foreign Office, within 8 days of their arrival in Italy in order to get the necessary permit of stay.

Lessons schedule

Deadline for registration 18 July 2024

Lessons 12 November 2024 – 7 June 2025

Christmas holidays 16 December 2024 – 7 January 2025

Easter holidays 17 April – 21 April 2025


Application for admission    euro   60,00
(not refundable)

Annual registration fee

Singers Course

Preparatory year                   euro 100,00
Two years course                  euro 100,00
Two years advanced course euro 100,00

Annual attendance fees
Preparatory year                  euro 2.200,00*
Two years course                 euro 2.200,00*
Two years advanced            euro 2.200,00*
* These fees need to be paid in two rates: 30 November 2024 and 30 January 2025

Master Class attendance fee

Standard One         euro      500,00
Standard Two         euro     1.000,00   
Standard Three      euro   1.800,00   


Bonifico Bancario (Swift)
intestato a Accademia d’Arte Lirica, c/c 42903503
BPER Banca – sede di Osimo
IBAN: IT 96 F 05387 37492 000042903503